Energy Audit Rebate 2024/25

This is a preview of the Energy Audit Rebate 2024/25 Pre-approval form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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* indicates a required field.

Wellington Shire Council is committed to achieving positive environmental outcomes through sustainable practices, which achieves value for money while minimising impact to the environment. Many of our Community Facilities may have an impact on our environment. By planning ahead, we can minimize our impact by adopting Sustainable practices.

An energy audit can clarify your facilities’ energy consumption and identify areas for potential savings. It can lead to reduced energy use, improved productivity, and opportunities to innovate.

Please read the Guidelines and Criteria prior to completing the below pre-approval - it will save you valuable volunteer time!
If you have any questions, please call the Grant Officer 1300 366 244 

Applicant Details

The ABN provided will be used to look up the following information.
Click Lookup above to check that you have entered the ABN correctly.
Information from the Australian Business Register
Entity name
ABN status
Entity type
Goods & Services Tax (GST)
DGR Endorsed
ATO Charity TypeMore information
ACNC Registration
Tax Concessions
Main business location
Must be an ABN. 
Must be an Australian phone number. 
Must be an email address. 
Are your annual energy bills (gas and electrical) over $1,000
Attach a file: Select stored file


    1.  Approved energy report and receipt of payment must be submitted by 1 June 2025 to receive rebate.
    2.  You are required to acknowledge Wellington Shire Council’ s support of your project, where possible.
    3.  Funds must be expended in accordance with the Energy Audit Rebate Guidelines and the information supplied in your application for funding.
    4. It is your responsibility to ensure that the project complies with all current rules and regulations.
      This may include: Your obligations under the OH&S Act 2004 and OH&S Regulations 2017, including: - completion of Hazardous Building Material Audit/s, as required; - WorkSafe notification regarding any asbestos removal, as required; Any applicable building permit process Compliance with relevant planning controls.

    Privacy Statement

    Information requested on this form is collected for the purpose of the Energy Audit Rebate funding. Any personal information will be used solely by Council for that primary purpose or directly related purposes. Council may disclose part or all of this information as required to assist in the approval process of this funding (including third parties and/or other agencies as required). The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the purpose of facility management and funding processing and they may apply to Council for access to/or amendment of the information.