Quick Response Grant 2024/25

This is a preview of the Quick Response Grant 2024/25 Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

All applicants must read the Guidelines and Assessment Criteria form.
Applications MUST be submitted 21 days prior to your event and/or activity.

After reading the Guidelines & Assessment Criteria, and prior to completing the application form please contact the Grants Officer 1300 366 244 to seek feedback and assistance.

All eligible applicants should address the following weighted assessment criteria in their applications - sample answers for grant applications is available to assist with writing your application.

Application scoring breakdown:
Planning and Capacity 45%
Community Benefits 45%
Contribution 10%

** Please note your event or project will be referred to as ‘activity’ in the Assessment Criteria and Guidelines, Application Form, Funding Agreement and Acquittal Report.

I have read and understood the funding guidelines. * Required
I understand if this application is submitted less than 21 days prior to my event start date, my application will be deemed ineligible. * Required
I have contacted the Grants Officer - phone: 1300 366 244 * Required

The application form will provide more detail, however to help with preparation, here is a list of documents that is required for your application to be accepted for a Wellington Shire Council grant:
- current Public Liability Insurance Certificate - You are required to provide current insurance cover to support your activity.
Event organisers please be aware that the event activity (i.e. market, festival, etc) MUST be listed under the business activity section of the Certificate of Currency.
- All activities, if applicable, Landowner permission or consent must be supplied.
- Additional planning and building permits may be required; call Planning Department 1300 366 244.
- All events please call the Event Coordinator 1300 366 244.
- Items over $1,000 will require a quote to be attached in the expenditure table of the activity budget 

Public Events in Victoria

Public events in Victoria can take place under COVIDSafe settings, please access information in website link below: